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Social Action and Community Service


Omega Psi Phi Fraternity joined forces with President Barack Obama to promote Fatherhood and highlight the importance of fathers playing an active and responsible role in the lives of their children.  Omega Psi Phi Fraternity was the only Greek-lettered organization to be a strategic partner in the effort.  The Alpha Nu Chapter has helped to raise awareness about the importance of responsible parenting and celebrate exemplary fathers who are engaged in their children's lives.  Throughout the year, Fraternity members will encourage all fathers to sign pledge cards where they promise to be responsible fathers and play an active role in the lives of their children.  By helping the President with the Fatherhood Initiative, we look to change the tide concerning:

  • Over 50% of Black Boys live in households without fathers.

  • Girls who grow up without a Father increases the likelihood of teenage pregnancy, unhealthy relationships, and suffer from low self-esteem.

  • Seventy-one percent of all high school dropouts come from Fatherless homes.


Fatherhood Luncheon and Fatherhood Virtual Event

We previously convened a luncheon each year, but since the Pandemic we have commenced a virtual event, which has been well received and well attended. This is an effort to identify outstanding fathers and role models in our communities and to recognize their significant contributions to the community relative to the youth of our communities, which include their own and others.


Homeless Community:

Several Brothers have decided that there is not a better way to express their gratitude than by serving and meeting with the homeless of our community on Thanksgiving, and at other times throughout the year.    Additionally, we have an ongoing project whereas we assemble and distribute sanitation kits for men to the homeless shelters.


Blood Drive:

We participate in a blood drive each year and most recently have been partnering with the Union Baptist Church in Stamford.


In addition to the above, we engage ourselves in voter registration drives, collection of canned goods for the shelters, community and political advocacy and a variety of activities that lift up and are of benefit to the community.


Our Thanks to You

Many of you have worked with us, supported us and served with us in various capacities.  We are grateful for all that you do and for the wonderful support that you have given to us over the years.  Thank you so much.

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